Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Busy Day

December has kinda been a whirl wind. I have been so used to Brandon being around the whole month of December, that we haven't gotten a whole lot done!
The twins had their preschool Christmas program on December 2nd, which in my personal opinion was like the longest day ever. I had to stay late at church the night before and didn't end up getting home until 9:30, and then had to make six dozen cookies. Four dozen of those were for my MOPS cookie exchange on Thursday morning. After MOPS, the boys and I headed out the church doors- straight to lunch, quickly followed by preschool for the twins and nap time for Grey. I am so grateful that my parents house is not even a five minute drive from the preschool. After picking the twins up at 3:30, we headed back to my parents house so they could have 'rest time' and they ended up passing out for over a hour. After a quick dinner, and getting dressed we were back out the door by 6 heading back to the preschool.

The kids did a great job of singing their ABC's and a couple of other songs. Daniel and Lincoln were so excited all week for their program. I was in complete shock when they lined up on stage and this is what Daniel did:

While Daniel is more of the class clown and definitely the more out going out of two, he also can be the most shy little boy you have ever seen. Daniel is fine being the center of attention after he has had time to warm up to everyone, but if he hasn't- this is what you get. He stayed curled up pretty much the entire time. Lincoln never missed a beat, and wasn't fazed by Daniel. He was the performer that night!

After they were done with the first part, they headed back into their classroom to get changed for the Nativity Story. I went back to help get them changed and see if I could give Daniel a little pep talk. When I walked into his room he ran up to me and said," Momma, did I do good???!" I couldn't help but giggle, and respond, "yes, Daniel, you did GREAT!". For the Nativity story Daniel and Lincoln both got to be wise men. They were a hoot!

After their lovely interpretation of the story of the birth of Jesus, we had cookies and punch, and looked around their room. The boys had a great time showing off their room and getting to see their friends and family!

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