Tuesday, December 7, 2010

BC: Day 7

A photo that makes your heart melt...

I cheated and picked two pics! It's not fair to pick only one when you have multiple kids!

This photo was taken about an hour before we got to come home with the twins. I had an easy pregnancy, but we ran into some complications post delivery. My boys were little. Daniel was 4lbs 9oz and Lincoln was 5lbs 12oz. Daniel had a hard time maintaining his body temperature and was kept in an isolate for a few days. While we weren't put into NICU, Daniel was placed in the special care nursery for five days, while Lincoln remained in the full term nursery on a Billi bed. While all of this was going on, Brandon was between the hospital and home studying for law school finals. After LONG days and nights at the "Palace on Ballas"(aka St John's Mercy Medical Center in St Louis), we were finally able to take our still small boys home! We were so relieved!

The first picture that melts my heart in once again of the twins, but was taken after Greyson was born. L and D were only 10 1/2 months old when Greyson joined the Howard clan. Up to this point I had only been away from them for one night, when they were three months old. When I went into labor with Grey, we had to take the twins with us to the hospital until Brandon's parents were able to make it home. Greyson was born the following morning and the twins were brought to the hospital as soon I was placed in to a post partum room. They played for a few minutes and them Daniel passed out cradled in my arms. He missed his momma!
( For some reason my computer is going crazy and won't let me move the picture! Sorry about the captions being out of order!)

1 comment:

  1. You're right! The one of you and Daniel melted my heart. So many nights that is Asher and me!
    Don't you just love boys!!!
