Wednesday, December 29, 2010

BC: Day 29

Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days...

This is a hard one. I'm actually writing this in January... and we've already had a lot go on. ( I wanted to actually complete something that took an extended amount of time, and predating them or filling some of these out late made me accountable!)
Anyway, back to January. We are currently in the beginning stages of buying a house, many more details to come. I want to make a list of updates and actually complete them on a timely basis.
I also want to restart and grow my lia sophia business. It's something I love, and need to get focused on. It's something for me, and helps to bring in a little extra money!

I want to follow through on something I've been feeling led to do. After many months of prayer and putting it off, I need to follow through. Again, more to come later!

Anyway, that's a begining to a list of my 2011.

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