Wednesday, September 23, 2009

When will we know?

So tomorrow is the big day. At 10 am Brandon will meet for his final "interview" to determine if he gets the job in Springfield. This is a long time coming, if I do say so myself. Brandon and I met 7 years ago, while he was still at MSU for his Undergrad. Then came the huge anticipation of getting into Law School. After being "wait listed" at his top 3 schools, he finally was personally accepted by the Head Dean of Saint Louis University School of Law.. over the phone!
Three years, two graduation ceremonies, 3 weeks of seperation while studying for the Bar Exam, and 2 Swearing in Ceremonies in Jeff City.. and not to mention 3 kids in ten months later! We hope the day is finally here. The day that he gets the job offer that he has busted his tail for. Good luck Brandon! I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished in our seven years together. I love you.

1 comment:

  1. YEAH for the new blog! I am going to add you to my blog roll...if that's okay with you. Also Brandon is in my prayers this morning. I want you guys to move down here! Congrats on all your accomplishments...when you guys do it you do it BIG! Way to go!
