Friday, September 3, 2010

Rough Week

It's been a rough couple of weeks in the Howard House. Brandon has been prepping for a trial for the past two weeks. That means early mornings, late nights, no phone calls during the day, working on Saturdays and Sundays. Saying it's been rough is not even close. His case finally went to trial this week, the courthouse is well over a hour away. At first he thought he would be staying all week in another town, then it changed to three nights, then it changed to driving back and forth everyday. While he wasn't looking forward to all the time away and on the road, I was looking forward to the mileage check!
The boys have had a rough time with Brandon going to work. They've never known for him not to be home. While he was a full time student, it was still like he was a stay at home dad. Especially since he was unemployeed for over 10 months after school. So while normal works days get a little lonely for my boys, Brandon's trial prep was just brutal! I was trying to think of different things to do at night to get their minds off of dad, so one night was had a lite dinner and headed to Springfield so run a couple of fun errands and for some yummy Andy's Frozen Custard. (My boys may look just like their daddy, but they got their momma's love of ice cream!) They were in heaven and to make things even better Andy's is just down the street from Brandon's office. So Brandon snuck out of work at little early( it was 9:00pm and he had worked almost 15 hours), and met us at Andy's. They were so excited!

Eating yummy ice cream in the back of mommy's truck!

1 comment:

  1. What a good Mama you are! That sounded like a great plan! Asher is going to be spoiled with Rich home for 2 weeks while on vacation. He's really gonna miss him when he has to go back to work!
